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Is this app that good?
The thousands of people who use it every day would say, yes.
Will it work for me?
Numerous studies have shown that a regular mindfulness practice, even just a few minutes a day, can offer lasting, meaninful improvements to our lives.
Is it really free? Why?

Yes, the basic functionality has been and will always be free. There are premium features available for purchase if you wish to use them but the heart and soul of Mindfulness Bell Menu Bar is to help you remember to return to the present moment throughout your day. That is free because I want everyone to benefit from a regular mindfulness practice.

Currently 10% of the revenue from premium upgrade purchases are donated to Plum Village. I plan on increasing that percentage as sales increase.

Do I need to log in to use this app?
Not only do you not need to log in, but you don't have to provide any personal information at all to use this app. The only time you'll be asked for any such information is when providing feedback through the app and I will never sell that information to anyone.
Do you provide support?
You can provide feedback directly through the app by clicking the "Send Feedback" located at the bottom of the popup window.